Nenhum exemplo disponível para qualquer um dos sinônimos
1At sight of him La Boulaye remembered that it was Charlot's wedding-day.
2It just sits there beside his La-Z-Boy like an abandoned child.
3With the door drawn behind him La Mothe found the outer passage intensely dark.
4Best-selling crime fiction author James Ellroy returns with the fourth in his LA Quartet.
5Her latest depicts David Hockney smoking, filmed among his paintings in his LA studio.
6Several years ago Comrade Faure bought the land on which he built his LA RUCHE.
7They called him La Cotorra, the Chatterbox, but today he was keeping his mouth shut.
8Nesmith was enjoying the warm afternoon sunshine in his LA backyard, with some recently legalized cannabis.
9He returns to his La-Z-Boy, opens the drawer in the table, and takes out his cell phone.
10But De Monts wished to plant his La Cadian colony in a milder and more genial climate.
11Dennis LeRoy Anderson, 62, rigged his La-Z-Boy with an 8-horsepower lawnmower engine.
12When he released the single Yonkers in February 2011, it brought global attention to his LA rap collective.
13The attraction is not being in his La-Z-Boy, watching the lady judge and stuffing his face with snacks.
14He yearned for the safety of his own apartment, for his La-Z-Boy and a good shot of Primatene Mist.
15As he reflects on his LA Press Club awards he says: To be honoured by other writers is incredible.
16But with Ursula de Vesc's grey eyes smiling at him La Mothe cared little for the boy's dour looks.